
At The Outpost Bible Church we confess that the Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and Lord of all the earth. Therefore, it is the Lord Jesus Christ who leads The Outpost by His Word and Spirit.

The leadership listed below are in submission to Christ and any authority they exercise is a delegated authority.

Elders (Pastors)

The apostle Paul says, “If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task” (1 Timothy 3:1).  The Scriptures demand any man who shepherds the flock of God meet the qualifications found in Scripture.  Some of these qualifications include:

  • Must be above reproach (1 Tim 3:2)

  • The husband of one wife (1 Tim 3:2)

  • Sober-minded (1 Tim 3:2)

  • Self-controlled (1 Tim 3:2)

  • Respectable (1 Tim 3:2)

  • Hospitable (1 Tim 3:2)

  • Able to teach (1 Tim 3:2)

  • Not a drunkard (1 Tim 3:3)

  • Not violent, but gentle (1 Tim 3:3)

  • Not quarrelsome (1 Tim 3:3)

  • Not a lover of money (1 Tim 3:3)

  • Must manage his own household well (1 Tim 3:4)

  • With all dignity, keeps his children submissive (1 Tim 3:4)

  • Not a recent convert (1 Tim 3:6)

  • Must be well thought of by outsiders (1 Tim 3:7)

Alex Rodriguez (full-time)

Alex lived in Chicago until the 8th grade and then moved to the Wauconda/Lakemoor area. He spent three years in the United States Army, however, due to a service-related injury was honorably discharged. After his time in the military moved back to Lakemoor, IL and it was there that God saved him.

Alex holds a BA in Biblical Studies from Trinity International University and a MA from Knox Theological Seminary. He is married to his high school sweetheart, and they have three gorgeous daughters and an energetic little boy. They currently live in McHenry, IL.

Alex is the planting pastor and teaching/preaching elder of OBC.

Ron DeSouza

Ron was born and raised in Brazil.  His mother’s parents were missionaries in northern Brazil for more than twenty years.  His father’s parents founded and planted the Presbyterian Church in São Paulo’s east side neighborhood of Patriarca, which he attended while growing up. He holds a BA in Computer Science, a Masters in Information Security, and has been in the cyber security industry for over twenty years.  He has served in the area of music, small group and as an elder at his previous church.  He has been married to Liza for twenty five years, and they have three children.       

Ron oversees the worship ministry of OBC.

Drew Barnes

Drew currently lives in Rolling Meadows, IL, with his wife Heather and their two children. He attended Moody Bible Institute, earning a B.A. in Bible and Youth Ministry, followed by a M.Div from Trinity International Divinity School. Drew has served, on staff and in volunteer positions for the last 12 years. At his former church, Meadows Christian Fellowship, Drew served as an elder, overseeing preaching and discipleship.

Dre oversees the prayer ministry of OBC as well as serving alongside Alex in preaching and discipleship duties.


The deacons are men who have been given the task of assisting the elders in such a way so as to allow the elders to focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4 ).  The qualifications for deacons are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

Our current Deacon(s):

  • Tony Amatore